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Navigating the Journey PLD

  • This 3-hour professional training is for schools that have purchased Navigating the Journey Years 1-10 and would like guidance and training on how to utilise it with their students.  This training is delivered at your school and is facilitated by Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Community Health Promoters.

    • Course description

      This interactive training covers:

      • Preparing to teach
        Relationships and Sexuality Education
      • How to use Navigating
        the Journey effectively
      • Tips on answering
        curious questions

      This training aims to:

      • Support you to
        explore and clarify personal values about topics relating to relationships and
        sexuality and look at how this might impact on your delivery of the sessions.
      • Increase your
        understanding of the purpose of Navigating the Journey and how to utilise it in
        a way that works for your students.
      • Increase your
        confidence to answer curious questions.
      • Guide you to reflect
        on your practice and to identify actions to take to provide quality
        relationships and sexuality education to your students.


      Where and when is this training held? How do I sign up?

      Your local Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa Community Health Promoter will
      deliver this training at your school on request. Please click ‘register your
      interest’ to connect with your local Community Health Promoter. Once you send
      your request, you will receive an automated email containing a form that asks
      you for more information.  We recommend
      that you contact us as far in advance as possible to request training due to
      our capacity. 

      Does this training have to be 3-hours long?

      We recommend that teachers receive the 3-hours of training so that they
      feel confident and capable of delivering quality relationships and sexuality
      education to their students.  In most
      circumstances, we can work with your school to find a solution that suits your
      needs, for example, delivering the training over multiple days, or tailoring it
      other ways.


      Who should attend this training?

      Depending on the school, we encourage a whole-school approach wherever
      possible. This means that all teaching staff (including leadership) receive
      this training.  We find that teachers
      that aren’t delivering Navigating the Journey still benefit from this training,
      as it covers how to answer curious questions, supports them to explore and
      clarify their own values, and builds their awareness of what their students are
      learning about. 

    • Prerequisites

      Please watch our pre-recorded webinar ‘Introduction to Navigating the
      Journey: For teachers and educators
      ’ before attending this training.

      Purchase Navigating the Journey here.