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Certificate in Contraception and Sexual Health 2024

  • For NZ registered nurses, nurse practitioners, midwives and doctors. This four-day blended course, comprised of some online self-directed learning and a three day workshop, offers the opportunity to gain knowledge and develop skills in contraception and sexual health.  


    Online course

    • Course description

      This four-day blended course is comprised of some pre-requisite online self-directed learning, as well as a three day face-to-face workshop. The pre-requisites courses are our STI Online 2024 and Contraception Overview and Practical Essentials Online 2024 courses. Please do not attempt to register for these pre-requisite courses yourself, as each learner will be manually enrolled into them by our Administrator.

      Note that the pre-requisite courses will take approximately nine hours to complete and must be completed prior to the commencement of the face-to-face workshop.

      The course covers:

      • Contraception
      • Emergency contraception
      • Sexually transmissible infections
      • Fertility awareness
      • Legal and ethical responsibilities
      • Māori cultural perspectives
      • Youth issues related to sexual health

      This course also includes up to six hours clinical observation (optional).

      Te Whatu Ora funding criteria applies - see below.

    • Prerequisites

      • Full New Zealand Nursing, Midwifery or Medical Registration
      • Current Practicing Certificate
      • Current Indemnity Insurance

      For a Te Whatu Ora funded place on this course, you must meet at least one of the following criteria. The highest priority for funding starts at 1:

      1. Māori nurses/doctors working for Māori providers
      2. Non-Māori nurses/doctors working for Māori providers 
      3. Pacific nurses/doctors working for Pacific providers 
      4. Non-Pacific nurses/doctors working for Pacific providers 
      5. Māori nurses/doctors working for health service providers 
      6. Community/rural/urban nurses/doctors (including Practice Nurses, Well Child Tamariki Ora Nurses)

      *Te Whatu Ora employed health professionals are excluded from the funding criteria

      Note that funding is allocated 8 weeks prior to workshop start date.   This is when you will be advised if you have been successful in gaining a funded spot.  

      For general course information, including our cancellation policy, please read the  Terms and Conditions of courses and Code of Practice

      The Certificate in Contraception and Sexual Health activity (workshop only) has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for up to 12 CME credits for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) purposes. 

      Additional CME credits will be provided for the two pre-requisite courses - STI Online (3 CME credits) & COPE Online (6 CME credits).