Kei te hiahia tohutohu au…I need advice…
What's it like visiting a clinic?Learn more about visiting us
Anyone can visit one of our clinics for an appointment with our nurses and doctors. Your visit will be confidential, and if you’re aged under 22, your visit will be free. Watch our video to see what you can expect when you visit one of our clinics.
MātauI wantWhat can Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa help me with? What are your fees? What is it like visiting a clinic? Are you LGBTQIA+ friendly Is visiting a clinic confidential?
to know about…PārongoI needEmergency contraception Contraception types STI testing Cervical screening Relationships and Sexuality Education
information on…AkoI wantCourses and workshops Resources Clinical training For educators For parents & whānau
to learn about… -
What's it like having a phone consultation?Learn more about our Phone Clinic
Anyone can talk to one of our nurses through a secure phone call. You don't have to travel and can choose a time that suits you. Watch our video on what to expect during a phone consultation.
We're committed to equity, where all people have the opportunity to achieve the highest level of health and wellbeing.
CoursesTe whakangungu haumanuCLINICAL TRAININGHealth promotionTe whakatairanga hauoraEDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RESOURCESOur mahiTe mana ōrite i AotearoaEQUITY IN AOTEAROAGet involvedMahi ki tō mātou tahaWORK WITH USOur mahiNgā hōtaka ā-aoINTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMESNewsroomNgā karere, ngā kōrero me ngā putangaNEWS, STORIES, AND PUBLICATIONS