Contact us.
Find out how to get in touch with Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa.
For appointments
See our Appointments page.
Our Client Contact Centre helps with clinic appointments. Client Contact Centre staff can't provide medical advice — but we can make you an appointment with a nurse or clinician who can.
If you're Deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or speech-impaired, you can use the New Zealand Relay Service (NZ Relay) to contact us.
For personal medical questions
We can't answer health questions through this website or social media. If you have a personal medical question, it's best to call our Client Contact Centre. Client Contact Centre staff can't provide medical advice — but they can make you an appointment with a nurse or clinician who can.
If you need health advice outside of clinic hours, call Healthline on 0800 611 116.
For National Office
National Office can't answer health enquiries, or make or change appointments in response to requests through the National Office email address or phone number. Please call our client contact centre during opening hours for personal medical or appointment enquiries.
Our National Office is located in Wellington.
Our name: Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa National Office
Physical Address: Level 2, 205 Victoria Street, Wellington 6011
Postal Address: PO Box 11515, Wellington 6142
Phone: 04 384 4349
Fax: 04 382 8356* Please do not fax patient information to this number. Use our Healthlink EDI: sexualwb
Email: [email protected]
For client referral
For client referral, please use our Healthlink EDI: sexualwb
For media enquiries
Our Communication Team can't answer health enquiries, or make or change appointments in response to requests through the Media email address or phone number. Please call our Client Contact Centre during opening hours for personal medical or appointment enquiries.
If you're from the media, contact our Communication Team on 027 206 6462 or email [email protected]
For professional training and development (PTD)
Email our Professional Training and Development team for information about our courses for doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, midwives, and other clinicians working in sexual and reproductive health.
For health promotion services
Find out who to contact, on our Health Promotion page.
For resource enquiries
Contact our resource team for information about our sexuality and relationship resources or phone us on 04 384 4349.
For feedback, and complaints
To get your health records
Find out how to access your health records.
Send us a message