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Whanganui Clinic - Whanganui

Suite 8,
213-225 Wicksteed Terrace,
Whanganui 4500

About this clinic

Our Whanganui Clinic is on Wicksteed Terrace, opposite the Wicksteed Medical Centre. We’re open for appointments during the week. If you’re under 22, your visit is free.

Welcome to the Whanganui Clinic!

We're here support your sexual wellbeing — providing you compassionate and confidential care. Your well-being is our priority. We have colouring activities in our waiting room to help with anxiety — or to keep your kids entertained.

Come on down! We’re here for you.

New! We've changed our name: from Family Planning to Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa. 

Clinic details

  • Hours

    Appointment types
    • In-person
    • Drop-in
    • Phone/Video
    Appointments available
    8:30am - 5:00pm
    8:30am - 5:00pm
    8:30am - 5:00pm
    8:30am - 5:00pm
    8:30am - 5:00pm
    Drop in appointment times
    3:10pm - 4:20pm
    10:40am - 12:20pm
    11:00am - 12:20pm
    3:00pm - 4:40pm

    If you require medical advice outside of our opening hours call Healthline for free on 0800 611 116 anytime, or get help from an after-hours medical centre or emergency services.

  • Services

  • Fees

    Appointment fees are free for New Zealand residents aged under 22 years. If you're a non-New Zealand resident view all fees.

    Under 22
    Community Services Card
    No Community Services Card
  • Accessibility

    The clinic is on Wicksteed Terrace opposite the Wicksteed Medical Centre.

    Look out for our flagpole sign, at the front of Suite 8. There’s a wheelchair ramp to the right of the entrance to our front door.

    Public parking is available in front of the building. Mobility parking is available a short distance from our front door.

    Nearest bus stop is located on Victoria Avenue.

    If you have accessibility needs, please let the clinic know ahead of your appointment.