Health Promotion
We're Aotearoa’s leading provider of sexual and reproductive health promotion and education services.
It’s important for conversations about sexual and reproductive health to happen between tamariki, rangatahi, and whānau — in communities, in schools, and in their homes.
Helping people at our clinics is one part of our work. Another part of our work is helping people learn about sexuality, relationships, health, and wellbeing.
We work with schools, parents, rangatahi, special interest groups, community groups, professionals, and more. Anyone who wants to learn about — or teach other people about — sexuality, relationships, health, and wellbeing should get in touch with us. We have lots of helpful resources, experts, and strategies for learning. -
Our approach
We can help you have important conversations with the rangatahi and tamariki in your life.
It’s good for tamariki to learn the correct names of their body parts — and begin to identify important relationships and safe people in their lives. When rangatahi are high school age, you can have conversations with them about sex, sexuality, consent, and relationships.
Our approach is based on up-to-date research and experience working all over the motu. Our community health promoters will work alongside you to support your local initiatives.
What we offer
- Support at your wānanga, hui, or event — supporting conversations about sexual and reproductive health, and facilitating access to services
- Consultation and advice
- Professional Development — for example: training teachers to deliver the relationships and sexuality education curriculum
- Community workshops — for example: supporting parents and whānau to have conversations about sexuality with their rangatahi, or supporting parents of rangatahi with disabilities
- Support for the delivery of relationships and sexuality education — for example: planning community consultation
Community Health Promoters - contact details
We have Community Health Promoters based around the motu. Our Community Health Promoters can visit you in person, or provide services online.