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Our history

We've been operating since 1936.

    • 1930s - The Beginning
      • Image of Rendells Pessaries from the 1930s

        Rendell's Pessaries were always advertised as the “Wife’s Friend.” The first commercial pessaries were made in 1885.

    • 1940s - A decade of firsts
      • Image of Post Office Letter from the 1940s

        The Post Office letter saying we had posted obscene literature and reminding us that the facilities of the Post Office should not be used in this way.

    • 1950s - Legislation follows report
      • Image of cervical screening tools from the 1950s

        A tray set up with the equipment needed for a cervical smear test – a speculum and the brushes and brooms used to sweep cells from the cervix.

    • 1960s - It’s all about the pill
      • Image of contraceptive pill packet from the 1960s

        The United States was the first country to approve the contraceptive pill for sale – it was Enovid-10 on 23 June 1960.

    • 1970s - Abortion on the agenda
      • Image of Royal Commission from the 1970s

        The Royal Commission on Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion sat from June 1975 to March 1977. Source: Alexander Turnbull Library.

    • 1980s - Act amendment sought
      • Image of sexuality education booklet from the 1980s

        Our sexuality education resource “Deciding and Choosing” was first published in 1985.

    • 1990s - Funding structure changes
      • Image of ICPD conference 1994 logo

        New Zealand was one of 179 countries present at the landmark International Conference on Population and Development.

    • 2000s - Strategy announced
      • Image of Deaf DVD from the 2000s

        We have resources and pamphlets in a number of different languages – including New Zealand Sign Language.

    • 2010s - Advocacy work pays off
      • Image of contraceptive implant from the 2010s

        Jadelle contraceptive implants are inserted under the skin in the upper arm during a 30 minute appointment.

    • 2020s - Decriminalising abortion & new name