Thrush or candidiasis
Thrush, or candidiasis, is caused by a yeast organism irritating the mucous membrane of the genitals.
Thrush has different names — depending on the genitals it affects. If you get thrush under the foreskin of your penis, it’s called balanitis. When thrush is around your vulva, it’s called vulvitus. Inside your vagina, thrush is called vaginitis. You can also get thrush in your throat.
Thrush, or candidiasis, is not a sexually transmissible infection (STI).
You are more at risk of thrush if you:
- Are on antibiotics or steroid medication
- Are hapū
- Have low immunity
- Experience vaginal dryness during sex
- Use soap or fragrances on or around your genitals
What are the symptoms of thrush?
If you have a vulva or vagina, you might notice these symptoms of thrush:
- Itching and soreness around your vagina or vulva
- Whitish vaginal discharge
- Pain during sex
If you have a penis, you might notice these symptoms of thrush:
- A rash
- Itching
- Discharge under the foreskin
How do you treat thrush?
Don’t worry! Thrush is easy to treat with creams, or with tablets inserted into the vagina. Oral anti-fungal tablets might be used if you have thrush in your throat — or if the thrush is severe. Some mild cases of balanitis can be treated with saltwater baths.
Book an appointment with us and we can prescribe you everything you need to treat thrush.