Pregnancy options
It can be hard to know what to do next, when you find out you’re hapū.
The truth is: you have options. You don’t have to face pregnancy alone.
What are your options if you’re hapū?
If you’re hapū you can decide to:
- Continue the pregnancy and become a parent
- Continue the pregnancy and choose adoption, fostering, whāngai, or find an option appropriate to you and your whānau
- End the pregnancy by having an abortion
Things to think about if you have an unintended pregnancy...
If you want to continue the pregnancy
Find out about services and support available to you while you're hapū or book an appointment with us, with your GP, or with your health practitioner to talk about your needs.
If you’re not sure what to do about being hapū
If you've had a positive pregnancy test and you aren't sure what to do, that’s OK.
There's support available to you.
- You may want to talk to someone you trust and who'll listen to you, such as your partner, a trusted friend, or whānau member
- If you're looking for a health professional to talk to, you could speak to your regular doctor or nurse, or book an appointment to talk with us. If you're at school, the school nurse or counsellor could help
- If you're considering abortion, free counselling is available to you — it can be organised through a local abortion provider
If you don’t want to be hapū
If you're hapū and you weren't planning to be hapū — an unintended pregnancy — you do have options. You don't have to face this on your own.
- If you're considering abortion, you can contact a local abortion provider directly without the need for referral from a doctor or other service
- You can talk to DECIDE — the National Abortion Telehealth Service
- You can book an appointment to talk with us — we will help you do whatever you decide to do
- You can talk to your regular nurse or doctor about your options. It’s best to do this as early as possible in your pregnancy
- Read about abortion on the DECIDE website
You can always ask to talk with a counsellor if you want help making your decision.
When do you have to make a decision?
- First, confirm that you're hapū as soon as possible by taking a pregnancy test
- Then, act quickly. Whatever you decide, it's important to act quickly if you're hapū, so you can begin maternity care or get an abortion as early as possible. The sooner the abortion is performed, the less complicated the procedure
If you’re hapū — it’s your decision what to do
Whatever you decide to do, whatever others’ opinions, it’s your decision to make. No one has the right to pressure you into continuing the pregnancy, keeping the pēpi, giving it up, or having an abortion.
Keeping yourself safe
Having an unintended pregnancy can be distressing for some people, their partners, or their whānau. If you're worried about your safety, talk to us. There are other free support services that can help you.
Free helplines to get support
If you are in immediate danger, call 111 and ask for the police. The police can issue a temporary police safety order. This is for immediate, short-term protection. If someone has been violent toward you, or you feel unsafe, contact any of the following free support services:
- Shine National Helpline, available 24/7. Free call: 0508 744 633
- Victim Support, available 24/7. Free call: 0800 842 846
- Women’s Refuge, available 24/7. Free call: 0800 733 843
- Family Violence Information Line, available 9am-11pm daily. Free call: 0800 456 450
- Shakti, available 24/7 for migrant and refugee women. Free call: 0800 742 584
- OutLine Aotearoa, available 6pm-9pm daily for queer people. Free call: 0800 688 5463
- Youthline, available 24/7. Free call: 0800 376 633 or text: 234