STI testing
If you have had sex, or you’re planning to have sex, it’s a good idea to get tested for sexually transmissible infections (STIs).
What is STI testing?
STI tests are a fast and easy way to check if you have a sexually transmissible infection (STI).
STI testing is all about keeping you — and the people you have sex with — safe.
If you are worried that you might have an STI, get an STI test. Lots of people get regular STI tests — just to be safe.
There are lots of good reasons to get an STI test:
- It’s good to get an STI test before — and two weeks or more after — you have sex with a new person. If a person you have sex with has sex with another person, you should get an STI test
- If you had sex without a condom — or if the condom broke — it’s a good idea to get an STI test. It doesn’t matter whether you used a penis, strap, or a sex toy — if you didn’t put a condom on it, you should get an STI test
- Pregnant people, or people planning to become hapū, should get an STI test. It’s a good way to keep you, and your pēpi, safe
Lots of STIs don’t have obvious symptoms.
Sometimes, the only way you can tell if someone has an STI, or if you have an STI, is by getting an STI test.
Other times, STIs can cause unusual discharge from your vagina or penis, pain in your lower belly, pain during sex, burning when you mimi, or sore testicles.
Can you get an STI from oral sex?
You can get sexually transmissible infections (STIs) from oral sex. It doesn’t matter if you have straight or queer oral sex — you can still get an STI.
You can get an STI when your mouth touches someone’s vulva, anus, strap, sex toy, or penis. If someone’s mouth touches your vulva, penis, or anus, you can get an STI.
Using a condom or an oral dam can protect against STIs. It’s a good idea to use a condom if you are having oral sex with a penis or a strap. If you are having oral sex with an anus, or a vulva, you can use an oral dam. You can get oral dams and condoms in our shop. You can even make your own oral dam by cutting the tip and bottom of a condom off — before cutting the side open to make a flat, stretchy, oral dam.
Another good way to reduce the risk of getting a STI, is to test for STIs before and after sex.
Should you get an STI test?
There are lots of good reasons to get a sexually transmissible infection (STI) test. STI testing is all about keeping you — and the people you have sex with — safe.
It’s a good idea to get an STI test:
- Before and after you have sex with a new person
- If a person you have sex with is having sex with another person
- If you are worried that you might have an STI
- If you had sex without a condom — or if the condom broke. It doesn’t matter whether the person you had sex with used their penis, a sex toy, or their strap — if they didn’t put a condom on it, you should get an STI test.
- If you are hapū, or planning to become hapū —it's a good way to keep you, and your pēpi, safe.
Lots of people get regular STI tests — just to be safe.
Getting an STI test
Book an appointment with us — we can give you an STI test. Before your test, one of our nurses or doctors will ask you a few questions like:
- When did you last get an STI test?
- Do you have any symptoms?
- Are you having sex with a new person?
- What kinds of sex have you had?
Our nurses and doctors ask people these questions all the time, and they have heard every kind of answer. It’s okay to feel a bit embarrassed — but you don’t have to worry. Your nurse or doctor is only interested in working out what kind of STI tests you might need to get.
What does an STI test involve?
An STI test usually involves taking samples from the parts of your body you use when you have sex. Samples can be taken from your vagina, mouth, and anus with a swab — basically a long cotton bud. You only need to take samples from the places you use when you have sex.
Either you, or a nurse or doctor, will take these samples.
If you use your penis for sex, you will be asked for a mimi sample — so it’s important not to mimi before your appointment.
Sometimes, you may also need to get an external, or internal, examination to see if there are visible signs of an infection. Your nurse or doctor will also swab any sores, ulcers, or discharge that you have.
Your test samples will be sent to a laboratory for testing. You should be contacted with your test results within a week.
STI self-testing
All our clinics offer STI self-testing. STI self-testing means you don’t need to see a nurse or doctor. You can do STI self-testing if you have no signs of infection.
If you can take your own STI test, you can use the privacy of our clinic bathrooms to collect your samples.
Your test samples will be sent to a laboratory for testing. You should be contacted with your test results within a week.
Treating STIs
- Most STIs can be treated with antibiotics — this is an easy and effective treatment for many STIs.
- Other STIs can be treated with creams or tablets.
- Some STIs cannot be cured, but they can still be treated.
Our nurses or doctors can prescribe you the treatment you need.