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Keep Safe Kit

The Keep Safe Kit is a contraceptive and STI teaching kit designed for use with adults, and rangatahi in Year 8 and up. Please note, the Keep Safe Kit includes expired stock that are for demonstration use only. Produced by Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa.
Product description

The Keep Safe Kit helps people to:

  • Gain accurate information about safer sex, and contraceptive methods
  • Discuss contraception
  • See, and handle contraceptives
  • Consider issues about contraception, and safer sex in their relationships
  • Learn how STIs are spread, how to avoid and treat them

The resource can be used in both group and individual situations by educators, health and community workers, secondary school teachers, and counsellors.

The Keep Safe Kit contains:

  • An activities manual (this is a PDF that is sent out via email)
  • Contraceptive samples: external condoms, internal condom, oral dam, water based lubricant, information on Depo Provera
  • External condom demonstrator
  • Pregnancy test 
  • STI testing equipment: pottles, brooms, brushes, etc
  • HPV testing swab (for HPV testing)
  • A5 flip cards with photographs of pill packets (a mix of combined and progestogen only pills), information on implants, IUDs, and the emergency contraceptive pill
  • Pamphlets: ‘Contraception – Your Choice’, ‘Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs)’. Set of three Youth pamphlets

Note. The Kit includes expired stock that are for demonstration use only. 

We also sell a refill for the Keep Safe Kit, if you need to top-up items in your Kit.