Menopause happens when your menstrual cycle ends — often between the ages of 45-55.
What is menopause?
Menopause means “the end of monthly cycles”. Menopause normally happens between the ages of 45-55. If you haven’t had a period for 12 months, you may have reached menopause.
At menopause, your oestrogen levels drop, your ovaries stop releasing eggs, and your period stops.
If menopause begins before the age of 40, it is called premature menopause. Premature menopause can run in families, or be caused by an infection, immune disorder, or chromosomal variation. Smoking has been linked to premature menopause. Surgical removal of the ovaries, or some cancer treatments, can cause premature menopause. Symptoms can be more severe and sudden in those cases.
Perimenopause is the stage of menopause before the period actually stops. During this stage periods often change. They may become heavier, lighter, longer, shorter, or more irregular. This stage can last a year or more. If you have heavy bleeding that is causing problems in your life, you may be able to have treatment to help with this — book an appointment with us.
Symptoms of menopause include:- Night sweats
- Sleep problems
- Hot flushes
- Vaginal dryness which can lead to painful sex
- Itchy skin
- Loss of libido
- Mood changes
You may experience all, some, or none of these symptoms.
How we can help you: menopause hormone therapy (MHT)
Menopause hormone therapy (MHT) is an effective treatment for menopause.
- MHT replaces the oestrogen — and sometimes the progesterone — that your body is now producing very little of
- The MHT prescribed at menopause is very similar to the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) prescribed to many trans women and trans femmes — who also produce very little oestrogen and progesterone
- MHT comes as pills, creams, or patches. If you had a hysterectomy, you don’t need progesterone — but you can use oestrogen
- If you have a uterus, it is important that you use both oestrogen and progesterone for your MHT
If you want to talk about starting MHT, book an appointment with us.
Some people use alternative therapies to help with the symptoms of menopause. There is not a lot of evidence or scientific information available on the safety or effectiveness of alternative menopause treatments. It’s a good idea to talk to a medical professional before beginning any alternative therapies.
What does an appointment cost?
Our appointments are free for New Zealand residents under 22 years old. If you are 22 years, or older, you’ll pay our standard appointment fees — unless you are eligible for subsidised health care, or you have a Community Services Card. If you are eligible for subsidised health care, your appointment will be free. If you have a Community Services Card, your appointment will cost $5.
If you’re not a New Zealand resident, you’ll need to pay non-resident fees.
Check out our fees page for more details.