Pregnancy testing
If you've missed your period and been having penis in vagina sex you could be hapū.
Use our pregnancy calculator to estimate how many weeks hapū you could be. The only way to find out for sure is to take a pregnancy test.
Pregnancy calculator
To estimate how many weeks hapū you could be, select the first day of your last period in the Calendar, then click Calculate. Even if you know the date that you had sex, what's important is the date of your last period.
Current weeks of pregnancy (gestation)
Current weeks of pregnancy (gestation)
Information you enter will be private and anonymous. Use of the pregnancy calculator is for information purposes only. It is an estimate and isn't a substitute for a pregnancy test or medical advice from a nurse, doctor or midwife.
What are the signs you might be hapū?
You might be hapū if you've had penis in vagina sex, and:
- Your period is late, lighter, or shorter than usual
- You're more tired than usual
- Your breasts are tender or swollen
- You need to mimi more than usual
- You feel like throwing up, or you do throw up
- You have mood changes
- You crave some food and other food makes you feel sick
- You feel bloated or have period-like cramps
To confirm you are hapū, take a pregnancy test.
What is a pregnancy test?
A pregnancy test tells you if you’re hapū or not.
There are two main types of pregnancy tests:
- Urine test
- Blood test
You can take a urine test at home — with a home pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests are reliable, and easy to get.
Blood tests are done at the laboratory. A nurse or doctor will order this test for you, and tell you where to get it done.
The other way to confirm a pregnancy is by having an ultrasound.
A positive pregnancy test means you’re hapū.
A negative pregnancy test means you’re not hapū.
How we can help you
We can help with advice, support, and testing — if you think you're hapū, or if you’re planning to become hapū.
If you think you're hapū
You can get a pregnancy test done at any of our clinics.
One of our nurses or doctors will ask you:
- For the date of the first day of your last period
- About the contraception you’ve been using
You’ll be asked to give a urine sample for testing.
If you’re hapū
We can help you work out what you want to do next. We can also:
- Refer you to a midwife or medical professional that can care for you during your pregnancy
- Refer you to someone who can help you decide what to do about the pregnancy
- Help you get an appointment with your local abortion provider
Making decisions about pregnancy can be difficult and overwhelming. If you're hapū — and you weren't expecting to be hapū — you still have options. You don't have to face this on your own.
If you're planning to become hapū
We can help with advice about stopping your current contraception. We can also help you plan to be as healthy as possible before you become hapū.
How to get a pregnancy test
Pregnancy tests work. You can get them from:
- One of our clinics: If you're under 22 years old and a New Zealand resident, it’s free to visit us. If you're over 22 and a New Zealand resident — and your pregnancy test is positive — your visit will be free. Find out about fees for non-residents in New Zealand.
- Most of our clinics have free pregnancy tests in a bowl at reception
- Supermarkets and pharmacies — pregnancy tests range in price from $8.00 to $30.00. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully
- Your nurse, doctor, or midwife
- School or student health services
- Sexual health clinics
Follow the instructions on the pregnancy test carefully.
A positive pregnancy test means you are hapū.
A negative pregnancy test means you are not hapū.If the test is negative but you still feel you could be hapū: contact us or your regular nurse or doctor. You might have to do a repeat pregnancy test, or a blood test.
If the test is negative and you don’t want to become hapū in the future: check out these contraception types or book an appointment with us to talk about contraception options.
What does pregnancy testing cost?
If you're under 22 years old, and a New Zealand resident, your visit to Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa is free. If you're over 22 and a New Zealand resident — and your pregnancy test is positive — your visit will be free.
Check out our fees page for more details.
Need urgent help?
If you require medical advice outside of our opening hours, call Healthline for free on 0800 611 116 anytime or get help from an after-hours medical centre.