Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Forum for School Leaders
Free facilitated open discussion with Principals, Senior and Middle leadership, HPE curriculum leaders and Boards of Trustee members about the Relationships and Sexuality Education programme in your schools. These run once every term.
FreeOnline course
Course description
This free forum is open to any Principal, Senior and Middle leadership, HPE curriculum leaders and Boards of Trustee members wanting to discuss their school’s Relationships and Sexuality Education programme. It is an opportunity for you to connect with other school leaders, and to get advice from our experienced Community Health Promotion Team about how to implement your Relationships and Sexuality Education programme.
This forum will run once every term and will provide opportunities to openly discuss a range of topics, such as:
- Responding to parent enquiries about Relationships and Sexuality Education
- Relationships and Sexuality Education and the NZ curriculum
- Community consultation process
- Implementing your Relationships and Sexuality Education.
This forum is not for teachers or educators in school-based settings that are wanting training on using Navigating the Journey.
Please contact your local Community Health Promoter to find out more about our training options or register for a Navigating the Journey online workshop.
- Participants should watch our pre-recorded webinar Introduction to
Navigating the Journey: for teachers and educators before attending this forum
(this is available on the course page after enrolling). - Before attending this forum, please submit the form
with your topics for us to discuss during the session. Instructions on how to do this will be
emailed to you in your booking confirmation.
- Participants should watch our pre-recorded webinar Introduction to