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  • Navigating the Journey Year 10, and Guide (E-Resource)

Navigating the Journey Year 10, and Guide (E-Resource)

This PDF booklet is for educators delivering relationships and sexuality education to students in Year 10: Level 6. Please note: E-Resources do not automatically download immediately after purchase. These are manually emailed to each individual purchaser — usually within two working days (48 hours). We thank you for your patience.
Product description

Navigating the Journey: Relationships and sexuality education
Te takahi i te ara: Te mātauranga mō ngā hononga tāngata me te hōkakatanga

Navigating the Journey is a comprehensive programme for educators delivering relationships and sexuality education in school-based settings. It is designed to meet rangatahi at their stage of development – and build on their previous year’s learning. Navigating the Journey is full of lesson plans and activities for years 1-10 and aligns with the Ministry of Education’s current Relationships and Sexuality Education guidance.

Find out more about Navigating the Journey, including frequently asked questions.

Navigating the Journey has five themes that remain the same throughout all year groups – the content changes to be age and stage appropriate. 

Some of the topics that are explored in Year 10 are:

1. Establishing a positive learning environment: Te whakarite i tētahi ao ako huapai

  • Our personal Journeys

2. Who am I? Ko wai au?

  • Diverse genders and sexual identities
  • Gender and the media

3. Relationships: Ngā whanaungatanga

  • Friendships and relationships
  • Relationship levels
  • Sexual relationships
  • Relationship challenges
  • Consent

4. Growing and changing: Te tipu me te huri o te tangata

  • Reviewing pubertal change and reproductive systems
  • Conception and menstruation

5. Staying safe: Te noho haumaru

  • Sexually transmissible infections (STIs)
  • Communicating with your partner about safer sex
  • Methods of contraception
  • Making decisions about pregnancy
  • Making decisions around alcohol
  • Critically thinking about pornography
  • Sexual health support services

Navigating the Journey comes with a guide detailing how to use the resource.  We have also developed a guide for parents, caregivers, and whānau which explains how schools utilise Navigating the Journey and what they expect their tamariki to be learning about.

Format: two downloadable PDFs – PDF links will be supplied via email.

Don’t forget to sign up to a free Navigating the Journey Q&A session for the opportunity to ask our experienced Community Health Promoters any questions about the resource.